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Cosmolabe : The  cosmolabe  was an ancient  astronomical instrument  resembling the  astrolabe , formerly used for measuring the  angles between heavenly bodies . It is also called  pantacosm .  Jacques Besson  also uses this name, or  universal instrument , for his invention described in  Le cosmolabe  (1567), which could be used for  astrometry ,  cartography ,  navigation , and  surveying . Dioptra : A  dioptra  (sometimes also named  dioptre  or  diopter  from  Greek :  διόπτρα ) is a  classical astronomical and  surveying instrument , dating from the 3rd century BCE. The  dioptra was a sighting tube or, alternatively, a rod with a sight at both ends, attached to a stand. If fitted with  protractors , it could be used to measure  angles .
SURVEYING INFORMATION  Survey: Definition A  Survey  is defined  as  a research method used for  collecting data  from a pre-defined group of respondents to gain information and insights on various topics of interest. Surveys have a variety of purposes and can be carried out in many ways depending on the methodology chosen and the objectives to be achieved. Types of Survey Now that we know what a survey is, let us understand the different types of surveys. Surveys can be classified in different ways, as mentioned earlier, depending upon the frequency at which they are administered and ways in which they are deployed. There are other types of survey like random sample survey (to understand public opinion or attitude) and self-selected type of surveys. You will read more about types of a survey in the following paragraphs.  Types of survey based on deployment methods: 1. Online surveys:  One of the most popular types of sur...